#5 —They’re paying you a huge compliment
A tongue bath from your cat is an indication that she feels totally safe in your presence. You are truly a member of her family, and she reinforces that by cleaning you like her mother cleaned her when she was a kitten.
#4 – They’re showing affection
Felines groom each other as a show of warmth and affection, so it’s reasonable to expect the same applies when they begin grooming you. You are a piece of their family and they need you to feel as cherished as they did when their mother licked them as a kitten.cat tips for new owners
#3 – They’re marking you as part of their territory
A language bath from your cat indicates that he feels totally confident with you. You are an integral part of his family and he accentuates this feeling by cleaning you in the same way as his mother when he was little.
#2 – They have anxiety
Some cats are so stressed that they begin to compulsively lick. Cats who do not stop licking themselves try to reassure themselves because they are stressed. Sometimes kittens lick and suck tissue, plastic and even your skin.
#1 – They’re cleaning you
One of the reasons why cats nurture each other is the cleansing of places a cat alone cannot reach, such as the top of the head and the ears. When your cat licks you, they think they are doing you a favor by keeping you clean.