How to Naturally Treat Yeast Infections in Dogs - Page 2 of 5 - AllTips

How to Naturally Treat Yeast Infections in Dogs


4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains several acids, the most common of which is called caprylic acid, Goldstein says. This acid has been documented to treat fungal infections in humans, and can also work on the common ear yeast (called Malasezzia pachydermatis) present in dogs.

The easiest way to administer caprylic acid to a dog is through diet, says Dr. Sarah Urban, an integrative veterinarian specializing in canine rehabilitation and veterinary food therapy.

“Mixing in high-quality coconut oil, one to two teaspoons for a small dog or one to two tablespoons for a large dog, with each meal seems to be helpful,” Urban says. You can also buy caprylic acid capsules, break them open, and pour them on top of your dog’s food.

Goldstein also suggests warming up some coconut oil until it liquefies and then using a cotton ball dipped in the oil to help clean in and around the ear canal or the paws.

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